Culpeper Regional Airport (CJR) is a customer-oriented County enterprise.
Your Community Airport
Serving our community since 1969
“The Airport runway is the most important main street in any town.”
~ Norm Crabtree

more than an airport
The airport hosts several annual events as well as the Quinquennial celebration of the end of WWII.
NATA Formation Clinics (Spring & Fall)
Annual STEM Event (in concert with the Culpeper Air Fest)
Annual Culpeper Air Fest (2nd Saturday in October)
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Latest News | Events
Hurricane Helene Airlift Relief Efforts
After Helene hit, we had several of our based pilots join together to fly donated items to a centralized airport in support of relief efforts. Kley Parkhurst, CJ Owens and Rich Whitney along with numerous volunteers and the phenomenal outpouring of support that...
Airport Advisory Committee Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month.
Airport Advisory Committee meetings are held in the Airport Conference Room at 12517 Beverly Ford Road, Brandy Station, VA 22714 starting at 8:30 a.m. Cancelled meetings will be posted as soon as possible.
Hello Spring!
Remember, a safe flying season starts with you, our Aviation Ambassadors.

Culpeper Regional Airport
12517 Beverly Ford Rd.
Brandy Station, VA 22714